Modern Applications

The user supplies media which is processed and analysed. The result usually is a list containing potential species names

BirdNET The easiest way to identify birds by sound.

"How can computers learn to recognize birds from sounds? The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Chemnitz University of Technology are trying to find an answer to this question. Our research is mainly focused on the detection and classification of avian sounds using machine learning – we want to assist experts and citizen scientist in their work of monitoring and protecting our birds."

Europa Nordamerika

BirdNET is provided by Cornell Lab of Ornithology und Technischen Universität Chemnitz. The displayed logo is from a public link retrieved from the applications meta data.

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Computer-Wissenschaften treffen auf Natur

"Mit den Möglichkeiten des digitalen Zeitalters verändern sich auch die Methoden des Lernens. Wir vernetzen Millionen von Bildern mit künstlicher Intelligenz. Durch teilautomatische Bilderkennung auf dem Smartphone bringen wir Artenkenntnis zurück in den Alltag eines jeden Menschen."

Central Europe

FloraIncognita is provided by Technische Universität Ilmenau. The displayed logo is from a public link retrieved from the applications meta data.

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NABU App Insektenwelt

"Mit der App Insektenwelt können Sie heimische Insekten bestimmen kartieren und melden. Besonders ist die fotografische Erkennungsfunktion."

Insects Butterflies

NABU-Insektenwelt is provided by Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V.. The displayed logo is from a public link retrieved from the applications meta data.

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Stadtnatur entdecken

"Im Projekt Stadtnatur entdecken tragen wir zur Stärkung der Aufmerksamkeit für Natur in der Stadt bei und vermitteln Umweltbildung digital. Mit der App Naturblick werden junge Erwachsene angesprochen, die Berliner Natur zu erkunden."

Amphibian Birds Mammals Reptiles Butterflies Plants
Germany Berlin

NATURBLICK is provided by Das Stadtnatur entdecken Team. The displayed logo is a local copy and my have been modified for better display.

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What is Pl@ntNet?

"Pl@ntNet is the digital tool that used to miss you. Available as a mobile and web application, it allows you to identify thousands of species of plants thanks to your pictures. The images you send are automatically compared to the thousands of images we have in our botanical databases. A list of plants is then proposed. The last word is yours!"

Africa America Central Europe Pacific Western Asia

Pl@ntNet is provided by Pl@ntNet Team. The displayed logo is from a public link retrieved from the applications meta data.

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